- Melody had her first long trip away from the house and took her first flight to North Carolina. She flew like a champ and seemed very content for being confined to such a small space for 2 1/2 hrs. We took her to N.C. for her uncle Mike's wedding and to meet her new aunt Jamie. She definitely loved being the center of attention and did well adjusting to a different schedule all week.
- Melody can sit up on her own if placed just right for a few minutes! She favors being upright (either sitting or standing) over lying down...which makes her Baby Einstein exersaucer an excellent toy at this phase. She can stand in that thing forever without getting bored. Mely also enjoyed trying out a Johny Jumper while we were in N.C. Hmm, maybe it's time for us to invest in a jumper!
- Melody can roll...well, kinda! She started to be able to roll from stomach to back around 22 weeks and liked showing off her new talent during our trip. She doesn't seem to mind when I help her roll from her back to stomach but doesn't quite have the abs for it yet. Thankfully she enjoys tummy time most days so we're still practicing.
- Melody likes to splash. Whether it's in her little baby tub or in the pool, she enjoys being in the water. I am especially thankful for this new interest so I have an excuse to work on my tan for the summer!
- Melody loves other babies! It's like she knows they are her size or something, but when we're around her little friends she wants to reach out and touch their faces, hands, belly...anything really.
- Melody can lunge her body forward now so we really have to be careful about holding her. She's got some pretty strong muscles and grip so I also have to be careful to not let her get a hold of my hair!
- Melody is eating solids. So far her favorite is sweet potatoes and green beans! I've made a few meals for her with avocado and banana, but for the most part she prefers eating Gerber 1st Foods (i think the consistency is better that what I've fixed). I need to go ahead and invest in a better food processor so we can make some yummy baby food! She's really got better in the past 2 weeks of opening her mouth when the spoon gets close and swallowing without too much coming back out!
I'm sure there's more to update on but that covers a lot of what's been going on the past few weeks in her life. We are in the process now of finding childcare for her as I begin to build my client load at the Austin Stone Counseling Center. I have been so blessed to have her with me all day long with nannying, so I'm not looking forward to having to be away from her. However, I am excited about this next step in my career and feel better about being gone now that she's almost 6 months. One thing I know for sure is that Melody is a flexible and chill baby so she'll adjust well...it's me I'm worried about!